A: Please follow the below steps: 1. Open your App Store / Google Play Store 2. Search "New Bright App" or "New Bright iRobot" to find App 3. Install New Bright iRobot App; App is free to download.
4. When prompted, ACCEPT permissions. Without these permissions, your app will not function as intended.
5. Turn your Kobra robot ON 6. Press the right BLUE button on your transmitter to initiate your robot's WiFi signal.
7. Listen for series of beeps; your robot will beep several times, a quick 3-beep indicates your WiFi is active. This process can take up to 30 seconds. 8. Open the WiFi settings on your Android device; Select signal "MV#######" These numbers will match those found on the back of your robot's camera.
9. Once WiFi is successfully connected, open New Bright Robot App
1. Open your Apple App Store 2. Search "New Bright iRobot" to find App 3. Download/Install App, App is free to download.
4. Turn your Kobra robot ON 5. Press the right BLUE button on your transmitter to initiate your robot's WiFi signal.
6. Listen for series of beeps; your robot will beep several times, a quick 3-beep indicates your WiFi is active. This process can take up to 30 seconds. 7. Open the WiFi settings on your iOS device; Select signal "MV#######" These numbers will match those found on the back of your robot's camera.
8. Once WiFi is successfully connected, open New Bright Robot App
9. When opening App for the first time, you will be prompted to accept permissions
[caption id="attachment_8057" align="aligncenter" width="300"] First time opening App - Permissions prompt[/caption][caption id="attachment_8056" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Home Screen[/caption]
10. When activating the Walkie-Talkie function for the first time, you will be prompted to accept permissions
[caption id="attachment_8059" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Walkie-Talkie Function - Microphone Permissions Screen[/caption]
No. You would only need an iOS/Android smart device in order to operate the functions of the robot's on-board camera.
If you using an iOS (optimized for iOS 6.0 or later), or Android powered device capable of accessing and downloading apps from either the Apple Store or Google Play Store, you should be able to run the Kobra app.
1. You must directly connect to the robot's WiFi signal from your smart device. You achieve connection through the WiFi settings on your phone. For further assistance, please follow steps outlined for your type of device on this page. 2. Already connected, but still not seeing anything? Check to ensure you have enabled all necessary permissions for the app in your device's app settings.
No, you must directly connect to the robot's WiFi signal from your smart device, through your device's WiFi settings.
No. At this time, the app controls the use of the camera, streaming video and walkie-talkie functions.
1. From the App home screen, tap Photos
[caption id="attachment_8056" align="aligncenter" width="300"] App Home Screen[/caption]
2. Browse images; to view individually, tap image
[caption id="attachment_8070" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Gallery Screen[/caption]
3. To export individual image, tap export icon at bottom right
[caption id="attachment_8074" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Location of Export icon[/caption]
4. To return to gallery view, tap gallery icon at bottom left
[caption id="attachment_8076" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Location of Gallery view icon[/caption]
5. To delete image(s), tap "Select" at top right
[caption id="attachment_8075" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Location to tap to select individual pictures[/caption][caption id="attachment_8078" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
A blue check mark shows image selected[/caption]
6. Once selected, tap "Trash Can" symbol at top left of screen; At prompt, "Don't Allow" to change your mind, or "Delete" to remove image(s) from your device
[caption id="attachment_8081" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Location of "Trash Can" icon[/caption][caption id="attachment_8073" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Prompt screen after tapping "Trash Can" icon[/caption]
7. To return to App home screen, tap back arrow symbol at top left of screen from gallery view.
[caption id="attachment_8079" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Location of symbol[/caption]
The arm is rated to pick up 6 ounces of weight; this is noted on the robot's arm.
If your robot's claw clicks, this indicates that your claw has been closed to its limit. Continuing to allow the claw to click will likely result in stripping of the internal gearing, rendering your claw unable to be used for future tasks.